Thursday, August 23, 2012

How to Make the World a Better Place to Live

Living a Christian life makes the world better -- that is realized in treating people with great resoect. Treating people with respect makes your world a nicer place to live in, whether it's at home, at school, or out in your church or community. And it's a simple formula - all you have to do is treat people the way you like to have them treat you.
          Matthew 7:12  12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

Here are a few ideas for making respect for others real in your life..

Don't insult people or make fun of them.
Listen to others when they speak.
Value other people's opinions.
Be considerate of people's likes and dislikes.
Don't mock or tease people.
Don't talk about people behind their backs.
Be sensitive to other people's feelings.
Don't pressure someone to do something he or she doesn't want to do.

We live in a diverse nation made up of many different cultures, languages, races, and backgrounds. That kind of variety can make all our lives a lot more fun and interesting, but only if we get along with each other. And to do that we have to respect each other. In addition to the list above, here are some other ways we can respect people who are different from us.

Try to learn something from the other person.
Never stereotype people.
Show interest and appreciation for other people's cultures and backgrounds.
Don't go along with prejudices and racist attitudes.

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